Welcome to Karen's Little Railway


Karen, Rupert & No. 10

About Us

Karen's Little Railway is a 7 1/4 inch gauge miniature railway that we are building in our garden in North East Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Karen and Rupert have long been interested in railways. We would like to share our enthusiasm and enjoyment by inviting you to join us on our journey.

This is likely to be a fairly lengthy process, especially as all the construction work is being accomplished using hand tools only, and the ground conditions are not ideal. Of course the same applied to the original navvies who built full size railways, but they had a work force far bigger than ours.

The website will document the design, construction and operation of the railway. Featuring steam and diesel trains with sit-in carriages (rather than the more usual sit-on/astride type). The carriages will be designed by Karen to be accessible to everyone, including wheelchair users. This is particularly important to her because she suffers from Multiple Sclerosis

Why Karen's Little Railway?

When Karen noticed our steam locomotive No.10 had the initials KLR on the cab and tender she joked that 'KLR' could stand for Karen's Little Railway. The name has stuck because this engine inspired Karen to become a 'railway director' actively involved in all aspects of the railway rather than just an interested onlooker. Read more about this in Our Journey

There are several picture galleries or slideshows (like the one below) on this web site. Click on a thumbnail to see a bigger picture. Once the bigger picture has appeared you can click on the right hand side of the picture itself to move on to the next one, or the left side to move to the previous one.